Into the Woods Farm

This page is a list of links I have found useful. If you have any that you think would make good additions, email me and I will check them out. I am adding more all the time.

Goat care, feeding etc:
This site is fabulous! Pretty much anything you could think of to do with goats, there is information about it on this site.
This is also a very informative site. Lots of good info on health, de-worming, etc.              
Rabbit care, housing, etc.
This is a great forum with many very knowledgeable rabbit people on it, and lots of traffic so it doesn't take long to get answers to your questions. Also has a large library of articles on rabbit care, lists of rabbit-savvy vets, and more.
This page is a list of safe veggies for rabbits to eat.   
This list is the opposite-plants that bunnies should NEVER eat.     

This link is to a really great site I visit daily. If you have a poultry question, there is someone on here who can answer it!

This site belongs to a friend of mine, she makes gorgeous scented candles. It is a beautiful site! Not really animal oriented, but still very much worth checking out.